Add a few ingredients to our organic dog food muffin mixes & bake a 100% balanced West Coast Canine Life dog food - homemade with love.
No time to bake? Our pre-baked dog food muffins provide a fresh whole food diet for your dogs optimum health.
The health of your dog is our business and our passion. You can buy our Dog Muffin Mixes and bake the food yourself or chose to buy our Pre-baked Muffins. Either way, these delicious, organic dog food muffins are homemade with love. Everything is made in Victoria BC from locally-sourced ingredients. Ours is the only Canadian dog food base mix that uses organic, non-irradiated herbs and spices, and pharmaceutical grade calcium. We believe in only the BEST for our dogs, and yours!
No time to bake? Your dog can still enjoy all of the benefits of homemade, organic, 100% nutrionally complete and balanced dog food diet. A supply of our homebaked, flash frozen Muffins makes it easy!
We believe that home baking equals love.
We believe our West Coast Canine Life homemade, organic, dog food muffins will help your dog live its very best West Coast Canine Life - no matter what their life stage or health status.
We believe in the stress-reducing power of dog cuddles and long walks.